Pigs Ears-XXL (SOWS) 80g - Dog Treats

Pigs Ears-XXL (SOWS) 80g

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XXL Pigs Ears are tasty and dogs really enjoy them. These Ears are considered heavy  weight at approx 80g and are higher quality than the lighter and cheaper ones. These would be considered more fleshy than normal, really nice quality and as big as pigs ears get. Pigs Ears offer a good chew, are sourced within the EU and being a Pigs ear are a firm favourite for most dogs. Alongside these ears we also offer a standard  pigs ear at around 40g each. Beware, cheap ears often come from the Far East and Indian sub continent we only source rom with the EU


  • Great size and weight The Biggest and Best Pigs Ears Available
  • Sourced from within the EU
  • Great Quality
  • Available as a standard weight 40g or XXL 80g
  • Good size and weight
  • Suitable for all but the smallest of dogs

100% Pigs Ear